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Smsebusiness.com is Global 3Way SMS Automated Business Enquiry System (A-BEST) to help companies better respocse to their customers needs in terms of product enquiry,sms alert, auto-subscription. etc.
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 SMS System Services
Bulk SMS is text message usually sent over the Internet accessed via a computer or mobile phone.
Bulk Messaging is the dissemination of large numbers of SMS messages for delivery to mobile phone terminals.This strategy is far cheaper than using direct marketing to let your customers know about your promotion.
3 Way SMS is important tool for business marketing.It helps your business to enhance company image and increase leads.3 Way SMS can reduce marketing cost and improve communication accountability.It also promote and advertise effectively.
Premium SMS are messages used for services such as competitions, TV show voting, content subscriptions.Premium SMS Solution is an interactive (two-way) SMS solution. Interactive because mobile phone users can request for a particular service and receive a response accordingly.
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